Sunday, October 16, 2016

THE BETRAYAL: Episode 29 The Bitter Truth


Previously on THE BETRAYAL: Episode 28 Gentle Men of the High way

.......David quickly composed himself, helped me to my feet and muttered some quick apologies. He really was very embarrassed, and avoided meeting my gaze out of shame.

Amara quickly overcame her shock, rushed to my balcony, grabbed a clean piece of rag and started scrubbing my room with it. David joined her moments later, when he saw that I was alright, while I quickly carried my books which were neatly arranged on the floor and spread them out on my balcony to dry.

Truly the whole scene came as a shock and surprise to me, but it really was an accident so I blamed no one. Surprisingly David and Amara worked harmoniously together like newly married couples as they scrubbed my room, their quarrels forgotten as if it never happened.

I smiled in appreciation as I watched them, even though I still felt a little pain on my head. “David really is a nice guy” I finally admitted to myself, because he displayed some attributes which I never knew was in him. “Sometimes casually reading a person dosen't really tell us all we need to know, and most times we end up forming a very bad opinion about such person due to our casual observation” I reasoned with a sigh.

I quickly fried plantain which we all ate together minutes later, and I almost bursted into laughter as I watched David trying so hard to make Amara smile.
“please help me plead to your friend, she dosen't understand how much I love her” he finally pleaded to me. I blushed and stared at Amara without knowing what to tell her, “don't give me that look Cyndii, he should first tell me if he truly belongs to a cult group or not, if he really wants me” she fired back.

I stared at David with a shrug. He instantly looked down as if he was given a very difficult condition. “will the truth change anything?” he asked seconds later, “I don't know” she replied haughtily, “yes I do belong to a cult group” he muttered with a deep breathe.

A huge terrifying silence fell in my room as his confession registered into our head?.
For the first time, I wished he had lied?
“no it's a lie” Amara screamed with a loud voice, while David humbly knelt by her side like a condemned servant.

I really was very shocked and stunned with his confession, because even though he did the right thing by saying the truth, it looked that moment as if he just poured water over a raging petrol fire.

I was very much at loss on what to do, and in a vegetable state I was as I watched the whole drama keenly. Amara just looked like someone who smoked a pot of weed judging by the way her eyes blazed that moment.

I don't doubt some folks who always argue that sometimes a sweet well told lie is hundred times better than a bitter truth.
The tensed up situation that morning was enough to seal my belief. “baby it really dosen't change who I'm, please don't let it come between our love” I heard David beg, but his effort only earned him a dirty slap which sound echoed in my room, leaving a huge lump in my throat. “so you took me for granted all these while?

So I have been sleeping with a devil” she barked like an angry wolf, while David gently rubbed his left chin  {where the hot slap landed}. Surely that slap really was so hot and terrifying. Only the force by which it was delivered and the sound which erupted from it was enough to deafen his ear for months.

Yet he still knelt humbly as if the slap was nothing but a friendly pat. “oh what a man” “leave this room right now?” my friend barked, pushing him backward in a violent manner. I instantly jumped up in his defence, “girl you are taking this too far, chill nau” I begged with a slightly raised tone, which made her stared at me with a surprised look.

I wasn't blind not to notice that my friend was using her annoyance to abuse her boyfriend, who probably thought he was doing the right thing by calmly receiving the whole tantrum thrown at him.
I knew Amara clearly wasn't with her mind and was extremely blinded with fury, which left me with no other choice than to intervene.

Sometimes we girls do over react unnecessarily, and we equally do abnormal or unacceptable things when provoked, but they are always overlooked because of our sex which sometimes isn't far considering the equality of rights. “so you are now defending him abi??, how am I sure you two aren't into this together” Amara accused with an angry scowl,
“oh Christ” I exclaimed?.



Episode 30 Loading.......

Story Adaobi Iwuchukwu

Edited by Engr. Stanley Orji

Published on Eastanmusic Ent.

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